Audio: Psychedelic Healing for Native Peoples

Video Timestamps

  • :05 – Belinda educates us about land acknowledgments
  • :13 – How Native People use humor as a form of resilience
  • :18 – The principle of hózhó,: Walking in harmonious relationship to everything around you
  • :21 – Belinda shares her own story of intergenerational trauma and her personal Corn Pollen Path
  • :29 – The Native American worldview, the western medical model, and the Decriminalization Movement
  • :44 – Considerations when working with Native American people
  • :53 – Belinda speaks to psychedelic therapists

Related Links:

Considerations for Psychedelic Therapists when Working with Native American People and Communities
Guidelines for Inclusion of Indigenous People into Psychedelic Science Conferences
App for Land Acknowledgements
Video on Intergenerational Trauma: Native American Legacy at MAPS Workshop
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